Weekly delicious bookmarks
Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user scott_kirkwood
- GNOME-Look.org -- Eyecandy tagged as: [gnome linux]
- Funkload -- Functional and load testing for web pages, in python tagged as: [agile python testing tools web]
- Put the fun back into computing -- Gives some Ubuntu hints, like 686 kernel and another firewall tagged as: [article linux]
- rest2web -- Create web site from RST pages tagged as: [python util web text]
- Distributed Internet Backup System -- Another backup solution tagged as: [backup linux opensource python]
- Ludesigner: Porque a revista Veja se vendeu -- Magazine Veja sells out tagged as: [brazil politics]
- hdup2 -- One more backup tagged as: [backup linux opensource]
- Bacula, the Network Backup Tool for Linux, Unix, and Windows -- Great backup solution, but overkill for me tagged as: [backup linux]
- LinkChecker -- Check websites and HTML documents for broken links tagged as: [linux python testing web tools]
- Umbrello UML Modeller -- Might be interesting, although I'm not a big fan of UML modeling. tagged as: [design development diagram linux tools uml]
- Pybliographer - What is Pybliographer? -- Bibliography tool for Renata, if she ever goes to Linux tagged as: [linux opensource python bibliography renata]
- [object HTMLImageElement] -- Fun little game for Victor? tagged as: [python linux victor games]