Arduino Ideas
I've been wanting to play with electronics, for years. Somewhat spur of the moment I decided to purchase a bunch of stuff in order to do that. I've been collecting old junk (dead printers etc.) and now is my chance to to use all that.

Here are some of the project ideas I've collected:
Here are some of the project ideas I've collected:
- First this is probably Hello world.
- Make an egg timer.
- Make adrumo drum pad.
- Have arduino play some drums, like in this robot band.
- Make a custom stoplight for when the build breaks.
- Datalog something (light, temperature, humidity, footswitch).
- Log the height of water in the water storage bin at the farm.
- Make a simple two wheeled robot that can be controlled from the computer.
- Make a simple intercom.
- Make a 2d table that draws or cuts something (CNC machine).
- Make a tiny Flickr frame.
- A Cylon or knight rider effect
- Persistance of Vision POV either hand-held or spinning.
- Take a photo based on motion in-front of the camera, may have to hack an old digital camera.
- Take a photo of a lightning flash.
- Make a two wheeled standing robot.
- Make an electronic PH probe (although just the probe costs $50.00).