Love the Canon Xsi

I bought the Canon Rebel XSi (aka EOS 450D) digital SLR and have taken some pictures. After using the typical consumer compact camera (like the Canon Powershot SD) for a a few years using these modern digital SLRs is like going from a Corolla to a Porshe. The speed a which it can focus and shoot is incredible, I could depress the button for 4 hours and take pictures at 3.5 pictures per second until the battery runs out. I also got a 8 gig memory card (only about $20.00 these days) and am thrilled that I can take more than a 1000 pictures with no problems.
I tried my wifes older Canon EOS film SLR lenses and they worked flawlessly. I was surprised that the image I saw in the viewfinder was the same as what came out in the final image as well.
Having the large 3" LCD means I can reliably review my image and make decisions about what to delete which I used to always do on the computer.
I've been waiting for years to buy a digital SLR but it had hovered around a $1000 for what I was looking at, now it's more like $650 (with lens!). I wanted something that would work with my older film lenses and a big LCD and some sort of anti-shake (the lens of the XSi has that). Perhaps the only think I'm missing out on is taking video which is just starting to come out for digital SLR cameras (for a price).
If I think back to my first digital camera that had only 640x480 image size and could hold only 24 images, it's quite a difference!


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