Weekly del.icio.us bookmarks
Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user scott_kirkwood
- Sugar - OLPCWiki -- This is the interface to the OLPC project. tagged as: [olpc graphics]
- Mondo Rescue - GPL disaster recovery solution -- I really need to do a backup..... tagged as: [backup dvd linux tools]
- http://nexgenwars.com/ -- Digged, look at the console sales in real-time? Unfortunately, only XBox 360 is selling (PS3 & Wii to come). tagged as: [games toread]
- Edgewall Software: Python Sidebar -- tagged as: [development extension firefox python reference]
- kbarcode.net: Home -- Print barcodes, may be useful if I get a barcode scanner. tagged as: [linux software barcode util]
- TAZ Forum :: A Computer, Gaming, and Social Network Community of Friends :: View topic - Tutorial - Spiffing Up Ubuntu 6.06 -- Alright, maybe I'll finally try out XGL tagged as: [graphics linux setup ubuntu]
- http://everythingisnt.com/hosts -- hosts file to block adds etc. tagged as: [computer linux security]
- DropTeam Current News -- Has tanks tagged as: [games linux victor]
- Meld : Home Page -- Another Visual diff tagged as: [development diff gnome linux opensource programming tools]
- fnx on Flickr - Photo Sharing! -- Square like fractal with poor choice of colors tagged as: [graphics image fractal]
- mythago - Using Subversion for Backup -- tagged as: [article backup howto linux svn]