Weekly del.icio.us bookmarks
Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user scott_kirkwood
- Slashdot | Tapestry Making Web Development a Breeze? -- Ugh, I really need to read this tagged as: [java framework web toread]
- MonsterGecko, LLC -- A mouse that looks like a gun, great for FPS, might be easier for Victor instead of using the keyboard mouse combination. Problem is, it looks like a gun, may not get by the wife. tagged as: [fun input games]
- evhead: Ten Rules for Web Startups -- tagged as: [business tips toblog]
- Mass Transit - How Python wins on the Web -- tagged as: [python tosubscribe]
- Creating Passionate Users: You can out-spend or out-teach -- tagged as: [toread blog education marketing]
- Paste Deployment -- Generic deployer for WSGI applications. tagged as: [python toread toblog web]
- Bertrand Russell : Why I Am Not A Christian -- tagged as: [religion atheism article]
- HOWTO Install GoogleEarth with wine - Gentoo Linux Wiki -- One of the few products I miss on Linux tagged as: [google howto linux fun]
- Timezones.png (PNG Image, 3583x1917 pixels) -- Cool bitmap of all the timezones tagged as: [map timezone reference]
- pyinotify - python wrapper for inotify -- Monitor file system changes in Linux from Python tagged as: [linux python library]
- Extreme thinking -- Some thoughts on Science and Thinking tagged as: [article science teaching]
- CSS Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheets - ILoveJackDaniels.com -- One page CSS cheatsheet tagged as: [cheatsheet css reference]
- ProgrammableWeb: Web 2.0 API Reference -- API's for a RESTful web tagged as: [web reference ajax]
- The Free Information Society - Electronic Circuit Schematic Archive -- 2000+ electronic schematics for free. tagged as: [diy electronics reference hardware]