MAME Decal Mistakes
The self adhesive poster came back from the printers and I quickly realized that I should have re-measured the MAME console.
The SVG file that I used was the original blueprints, but not exactly what I actually ended up cutting. My final console ended up being a bit deeper than the plan and some of the holes were placed by eye.
So you can see in the image that some decals that were supposed to be on the sides (like "Nintendo" and the packman ghosts) ended up appearing on the bottom. Also, some of the holes don't line up nicely with the text like "Start" and "Pause" are more obvious.
The resolution also isn't that great, I'm guessing that it's 100 DPI instead of 300 DPI which I was expecting.
But from a distance it looks pretty nice and I'm still glad that I went and did it. I'm a little wiser now - next time I'll make sure to remeasure.
You can find something like 6( Gigabytes of ROMS from many, many games.
I got two Mag Stick Pluses and the buttons and the I-Pac USB. For the monitor I just plug it in to the computer and I can put the console over the keyboard without hurting it.